A great injustice was brought to my attention in October of 2011.  Currently, there are approximately 27 million men, women and children worldwide trapped in slavery as a result of extreme poverty. Unable to ignore this problem, I learned how to be a part of changing it.


Our family began to make changes in the way we spent our money.  We researched companies and, as much as possible, purchased from fair trade or those who were socially responsible.  This gives people dignified employment with a fair wage, enabling them to meet their basic human needs which reduces the risk of trafficking.


In February 2015, inspired by Dawn Manske at Made for Freedom, I partnered with Rapha House in Joplin, Missouri and began to design a pair of pants to be made by women in their trafficking prevention program.


Just six months later, I traveled halfway around the globe to purchase fabric and "show" the women how to make the pants.  I use the term show loosely because they are incredible seamstresses who needed little guidance.


So much help has been given to me along the way I dare not list names for fear of leaving someone out.  Mostly, all props go to God who stirred my heart to action through His Word, led me down an exciting path of adventure and swung wide the doors of opportunity to enable hepz to come to life!


​Brian has been my supportive and encouraging husband since 1991. We have three adult children that challenge and inspire me.


Each of us has the power to change lives with our purchases.  Join the movement. Buy clothes. Feed a family!


"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with action and in truth."

      -John, the Disciple of Jesus

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